3 Ways Running Will Improve Your Life

Me with my Kinvara 12s

1. Adhering to a running practice transforms motivation into a practical discipline you can use in other areas of your life.


Personally, I schedule 3 runs into my week and after each session, I feel energized, motivated, and healthy. Running when every part of you says to put it off until tomorrow overwrites the part of you interested in binge-watching shows and procrastinating. Consciously going against the impulse for comfort unlocks hidden potential inside of you. For me, I have noticed a greater ability to focus on deep work and be productive on days that I exercise. For this reason, I believe physical training is just as important for mental health as it is for physical health.


2. Adding 150 minutes of physical activity such as running can reduce your risk of early death and improve your health span


ACSM launched the exercise is medicine campaign to spread awareness that exercise can prevent and treat diseases such as cancer, type II Diabetes and Heart disease which you can read more about here. Running can lower your blood pressure, improve insulin sensitivity, and make your bones stronger. The maxim use it or lose it is almost always true, to maintain and improve your health you must exercise.

“If exercise could be packaged in a pill, it would be the single most widely prescribed and beneficial medicine in the nation.” – National Institute on Aging

3. Running can help you get your dream body 

I personally enjoy eating delicious food. However, loving great food comes with a price as we all know. Running has become a way for me to use food as fuel instead of storing it as fat. For instance, on my long runs, it is estimated for my 230-pound 6 foot 7-inch frame I burn roughly 1750 calories running 10 miles. It is unnecessary to do this type of volume, especially as a beginner. Simply walking 10,000 steps a day can burn up to 500 calories. Running is one of the most frictionless ways to exercise as no gym membership is required. All that is asked needed is a pair of running shoes and a program. So how can you get started running today?

Here is a basic program to begin:)


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
20-minute run Cross Train Rest or speed work 45-minute walk Cross Train 30-minute run Rest 

Dynamically warm up before exercise

    • Butt-kicks
    • High-knees
    • Lunges
    • Air squats

Statically cool down with stretches.

Static stretches are held for 15 seconds or longer and repeated twice

    • Stretch Hamstrings
    • Stretch Calf
    • Stretch Quadriceps








Run for time, not distance

    • The goal is to accumulate 150 minutes of cardio a week which as a beginner may be mostly walking
    • The goal for these runs is to be at a speaking pace or speed that you can speak to a running partner without slowing down the pace.
    • This program is simply a start, to increase the difficulty take a look at this article.

Cross train

    • Perform resistance training such as weight lifting, rock climbing, or rowing twice a week. This is to reduce the risk of overtraining injuries while running. By having stronger bones and muscles you reduce your risk of injury.


  • Running strengthens your self-discipline and keeps you consistently focused on the best you.
  • Running can prevent and treat certain diseases and can lengthen your healthspan
  • Running can get you your dream body by increasing the number of calories you burn.
  • Join the Discord server and let me know if the program was beneficial to you!



  • I’m Carter, a fitness and health advocate, a YouTuber, a blogger, and a Doctor of Physical Therapy in training in Texas. I make videos that explore the strategies and tools that help us live motivating, healthier, and more fulfilling lives.


Here are the shoes I use to run. You can find them through this affiliate link: https://amzn.to/3TTv5V7

Calories burned running calculator:    

ACSM Exercise is Medicine:

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