Fix your Forward Head Posture

Forward head and rounded shoulders can create pain and stiffness if left uncorrected. Today I’m going to give you tools to correct this poor posture and provide tips to prevent issues from developing.

Fix Your Posture

  • Retract your shoulder blades together.
  • Raise your screen to eye level.
  • Relax your shoulders, they should not be shrugged upward.
  • Tighten your core.
  • Tuck your chin.

Corrective Exercise

Chin tucks 

    • 10 reps with a 10-second hold.
    • Bring your head back over your body leading with your chin.
      • Tuck without tilting your head up or down.
Chicken wing

    • 10 sets with a 10-second hold.
    • Pull shoulder blades together.
    • Place hands behind the neck.
    • Drive elbows back.
      • Maintaining good posture.




    • 3 sets of 10 repetitions.
    • Squeeze shoulder blades together for 1 second each.
    • Do not shrug your shoulders up.
    • Focus on pulling your elbows behind you.

Stretch & Mobilize

Chest Stretch 

  • 3 sets of 60 seconds. 
    • Lay down with your bottom, spine, and head on the roller.
    • Bring arms into a field goal position or 90-90.
      • Can take arms overhead to stretch a different part of the pectoralis group.
Neck Stretch

  • 3 sets of 30-60 second hold.
    • Sit up in a chair and let gravity take arms.
    • Look down at your armpit.
    • Take one hand and apply pressure to increase the intensity of the stretch. 
    • Add in deep breathing to intensify the stretch.

  • Repeat for 10 repetitions.
    • Begin on all fours with hands under the shoulders.
    • Lift your head and chest while letting your low back sink to the floor.
    • Round your upper back and bring your chin to your chest.











I’m Carter Gansky, a fitness and health advocate and a Doctor of Physical Therapy in training. I explore the strategies and tools that help us live motivating, healthier, and more fulfilling lives. 



Any and all feedback on my content or ideas for future content is welcome!


This is not medical advice. Please do not delay in seeing a healthcare provider if indicated.

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