How to Navigate Physical Therapy as a Student

Physical Therapy is an incredible profession to be a part of. As a student, the vast number of options may seem overwhelming at first and this feeling is normal. This article intends to help SPTs navigate physical therapy to find what they are passionate about.

What do you want your future career to look like?

   The only way to answer this for yourself is to start asking better questions. Here are a few to get you started.
  • How many patients per day is your minimum?
    • Investigate the “pt mill” model and fully understand what you’re signing up for.
    • Some companies will start you off with 5 patients a day and ramp you into 10.
      • Other companies may expect as many as 12 patients a day from the start. Think deeply about what is sustainable for your career to prevent burnout.
  • Ask for their mentoring syllabus
    • If a clinic cannot provide you with a curriculum or details about its mentoring program, then it may not be serious about the development of new grads.
  • What differentiates you from other practices?
    • Companies will use continuing education units (CEUs), residencies, mentorship, and leadership development, as part of their entry-level “packages”. These companies spend a lot of money and time designing a package to make lower salaries look more appealing to new graduates.
      • Money is not everything, however, consider the full spectrum of options and ask yourself what is truly important in your career.
  • How do I decide which company?
    • Decide for yourself what you want from your career and shop around. When you find a company you are interested in,  send an email to set up a clinical or simply shadow! This will allow you to immerse yourself in the culture and personally see daily operations.
      • You will spend a large proportion of your life at work, so it is worth seriously considering what you want to get out of it and where you want to invest that time.
  • Consider working for yourself
    • If you have an entrepreneurial bend, it is entirely possible to create your business directly out of school. However, to successfully do this, find a mentor in the community. There is a Private Practice Section (PPS) of APTA that you can join to network and learn from.

 Get Involved!

  • The profession has many academies and sections that host events for any niche you can think of!
    • I met with the orthopedic, pelvic floor, and leadership and innovation academies at CSM San Diego.
      • The community has every niche you could think of.
      • This is a fantastic way to network with people who have done what you want to accomplish.
        • These people can give you the lesson without the scar!
  • Attend conferences, reach out to mentors, and get started today.
    • You will not know what you are looking for until you open your eyes to the options. CSM 2024 is Boston, it is never too early to begin planning logistics and fundraising. CSM 2023 San Diego was an invaluable experience as a first-year student. The relationships, knowledge, and experience I have gained will set a solid foundation from which I can build a career I am proud of. It is never too early or too late to begin!
  • APTA Engage is a great way to explore what is out there!
    • You do not need to jump to the national level to get involved. Ask local business owners where you can attend state and local city meetings.



I’m Carter Gansky, a fitness and health advocate and a Doctor of Physical Therapy in training. I explore the strategies and tools that help us live motivating, healthier, and more fulfilling lives. 



Any and all feedback on my content or ideas for future content is welcome!

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